Tuesday, October 6, 2009

dil to pagal hai

Today satu hari I make myself as busy as I can. Because of last night, my love destroyed me and I just need to mend my heart. And just try it again and again until I finally happy. I reallllyyyy hateeee him cause we always use harsh words when gaduh. Extreme gila pulak tu. Aku rasa nak pukul2 je dia sampai mulut dia tu lebam biar tak byk words yg sakitkan hati aku nii. Fine la, actually aku pun sama je keras hati jugak. eeeeeeeeeeeeee AKU BENCIIIIIIIII KAU PAHAM TAKKKK! Aku dah break pun dgn dia. (break tu bg kitorang mcm x kwn sejam dua la) aku geram sangat2 so i decided to sleep as i want to keep my fingers not to texting him in a bad words. huhu. Syg k. Ckp je tak syg. Then today at 2000hrs he text me,
si jahat: -empty message-
cehh konon bagi empty message. Malas la nak layan. Geram lagi.
Then at 2200hrs rasa mcm hehe...rindu kan. Ah lantakla. I textn him and,
putri yg baik hati lagi sopan: "y send me an empty msg wut do u wnt"
si jahat: huhu. i noe u miss me.
putri yg baik hati lagi sopan: x. u nak apa
si jahat: nak u boleh tak
putri yg baik hati lg sopan: nak buat apa. x boleh
si jahat: nak buat teman hidup i
putri yg baik hati lg sopan: tengokla.
si jahat: syg..
hahaha kan betul kitorang 'break' alaa mcm break basikal tu pun dia break kan kejap je pastu jalan balik. hihi. thats all. Anyway, this is my blog so suka hati la nak tulis apa pun. Terima Kasih.
si jahat=incik amal
putri yg baik hati lg sopan=hehe siapa lagi :p